Package haizea :: Package core :: Module manager :: Class Manager
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Class Manager

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The root of Haizea

This class is the root of Haizea. Pretty much everything else (scheduler, enactment modules, etc.) is contained in this class. The Manager class is meant to be a singleton.

Nested Classes [hide private]
A singleton metaclass.
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, config, daemon=False, pidfile=None)
Initializes the manager.
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Initializes logging
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Daemonizes the Haizea process.
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Starts the resource manager
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Stops the resource manager by stopping the clock
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Stops the resource manager gracefully and exits
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process_requests(self, nexttime)
Process any new requests in the request frontend
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process_starting_reservations(self, time)
Process reservations starting/stopping at specified time
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process_ending_reservations(self, time)
Process reservations starting/stopping at specified time
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notify_event(self, lease_id, event)
Notifies an asynchronous event to Haizea.
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cancel_lease(self, lease_id)
Cancels a lease.
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Return next changepoint in the slot table
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Return True if there are any leases still "in the system"
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Prints status summary.
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Loads persisted leases and scheduling information
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__unrecoverable_error(self, exc)
Handles an unrecoverable error.
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__unexpected_exception(self, exc)
Handles an unrecoverable error.
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__print_exception(self, exc, exc_traceback)
Prints an exception's traceback to the log.
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Makes Haizea crash and burn in a panicked frenzy
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  instance = None
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, config, daemon=False, pidfile=None)

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Initializes the manager.

config -- a populated instance of haizea.common.config.RMConfig
daemon -- True if Haizea must run as a daemon, False if it must
          run in the foreground
pidfile -- When running as a daemon, file to save pid to

Overrides: object.__init__


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Daemonizes the Haizea process.

Based on code in:

process_requests(self, nexttime)

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Process any new requests in the request frontend

Checks the request frontend to see if there are any new requests that
have to be processed. AR leases are sent directly to the schedule.
Best-effort leases are queued.

nexttime -- The next time at which the scheduler can allocate resources.
            This is meant to be provided by the clock simply as a sanity
            measure when running in real time (to avoid scheduling something
            "now" to actually have "now" be in the past once the scheduling
            function returns. i.e., nexttime has nothing to do with whether 
            there are resources available at that time or not.

notify_event(self, lease_id, event)

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Notifies an asynchronous event to Haizea.

Arguments: lease_id -- ID of lease that is affected by event event -- Event (currently, only the constants.EVENT_END_VM event is supported)

cancel_lease(self, lease_id)

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Cancels a lease.

Arguments: lease_id -- ID of lease to cancel


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Loads persisted leases and scheduling information

This method does three things:
1. Recover persisted leases. Note that not all persisted leases
   may be recoverable. For example, if a lease was scheduled
   to start at a certain time, but that time passed while
   Haizea was not running, the lease will simply be transitioned
   to a failed state.
2. Recover the queue.
3. Recover the list of "future leases" as determined by
   the backfilling algorithm.

__unrecoverable_error(self, exc)

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Handles an unrecoverable error.

This method prints information on the unrecoverable error and makes Haizea panic.

__unexpected_exception(self, exc)

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Handles an unrecoverable error.

This method prints information on the unrecoverable error and makes Haizea panic.