Package haizea :: Package core :: Module leases :: Class Capacity
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Class Capacity

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A quantity of resources

This class is used to represent a quantity of resources, such as those required by a lease. For example, if a lease needs a single node with 1 CPU and 1024 MB of memory, a single Capacity object would be used containing that information.

Resources in a Capacity object can be multi-instance, meaning that several instances of the same type of resources can be specified. For example, if a node requires 2 CPUs, then this is represented as two instances of the same type of resource. Most resources, however, will be "single instance" (e.g., a physical node only has "one" memory).

Note: This class is similar, but distinct from, the ResourceTuple class in the slottable module. The ResourceTuple class can contain the same information, but uses a different internal representation (which is optimized for long-running simulations) and is tightly coupled to the SlotTable class. The Capacity and ResourceTuple classes are kept separate so that the slottable module remains independent from the rest of Haizea (in case we want to switch to a different slottable implementation in the future).

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, types)
Constructs an empty Capacity object.
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get_ninstances(self, res_type)
Gets the number of instances for a resource type
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get_quantity(self, res_type)
Gets the quantity of a single-instance resource
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get_quantity_instance(self, res_type, instance)
Gets the quantity of a specific instance of a multi-instance resource.
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set_quantity(self, res_type, amount)
Sets the quantity of a single-instance resource
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set_quantity_instance(self, res_type, instance, amount)
Sets the quantity of a specific instance of a multi-instance resource.
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set_ninstances(self, res_type, ninstances)
Changes the number of instances of a resource type.
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Returns the types of resources in this capacity.
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__eq__(self, other)
Tests if two capacities are the same
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__ne__(self, other)
Tests if two capacities are not the same
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Returns a string representation of the Capacity
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, types)

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Constructs an empty Capacity object.

All resource types are initially set to be single-instance, with a quantity of 0 for each resource.

Argument: types -- List of resource types. e.g., ["CPU", "Memory"]

Overrides: object.__init__

get_ninstances(self, res_type)

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Gets the number of instances for a resource type

Argument: type -- The type of resource (using the same name passed when constructing the Capacity object)

get_quantity(self, res_type)

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Gets the quantity of a single-instance resource

Argument: type -- The type of resource (using the same name passed when constructing the Capacity object)

get_quantity_instance(self, res_type, instance)

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Gets the quantity of a specific instance of a multi-instance resource.

Argument: type -- The type of resource (using the same name passed when constructing the Capacity object) instance -- The instance. Note that instances are numbered from 1.

set_quantity(self, res_type, amount)

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Sets the quantity of a single-instance resource

Argument: type -- The type of resource (using the same name passed when constructing the Capacity object) amount -- The amount to set the resource to.

set_quantity_instance(self, res_type, instance, amount)

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Sets the quantity of a specific instance of a multi-instance resource.

Argument: type -- The type of resource (using the same name passed when constructing the Capacity object) instance -- The instance. Note that instances are numbered from 1. amount -- The amount to set the instance of the resource to.

set_ninstances(self, res_type, ninstances)

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Changes the number of instances of a resource type.

Note that changing the number of instances will initialize all the instances' amounts to zero. This method should only be called right after constructing a Capacity object.

Argument: type -- The type of resource (using the same name passed when constructing the Capacity object) ninstance -- The number of instances

(Representation operator)

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Returns a string representation of the Capacity

Overrides: object.__repr__