
5 The HAIZEA parameter in OpenNebula

The previous section showed how you can add an HAIZEA parameter to your OpenNebula VM template to request a simple advance reservation. The three Haizea options (start, duration, and preemptible) can take other values:

Usually, you will want to use these options to create one of Haizea's supported lease types:

1 Advance reservations

When you need your VM available at a specific time, this is called an advance reservation, or AR. The VM we used above is an example of an AR:

  start        = "+00:00:30",
  duration     = "00:01:00",
  preemptible  = "no"

Of course, instead of specifying that you want your VM to start after a certain amount of time has passed (30 seconds, in this case), you can also specify an exact start time:

  start        = "2008-11-04 11:00:00",
  duration     = "03:00:00",
  preemptible  = "no"

NOTE: Haizea currently only supports non-preemptible ARs.

2 Best-effort provisioning

When you instruct Haizea to determine the start time on a best-effort basis, your request will be allocated resources as soon as they become available. Take into account that your request may be placed on a queue, and you'll have to wait until your turn is up. You can use the haizea-list-leases and haizea-show-queue to check on the state of your lease.

  start        = "best_effort",
  duration     = "01:00:00",
  preemptible  = "yes"

A best-effort VM can be preemptible or non-preemptible. If you request a non-preemptible VM, you may still have to wait in the queue until you get your resources but, once you do, no one can take them from you.

3 Immediate provisioning

Sometimes, you need a VM right now or not at all. In that case, you can set the starting time to now.

  start        = "now",
  duration     = "unlimited",
  preemptible  = "no"

Borja Sotomayor 2009-12-17