2 The haizea-convert-data command

The haizea-convert-data command will convert the contents of the data file into a CSV file.

To print out all the per-lease data, simply run the following:

haizea-convert-data -t per-lease /var/tmp/haizea.dat

This will print out one line per lease, showing its lease ID and all data collected for that lease. Take into account that some fields will be empty, as a probe might collect data just for one specific type of lease (e.g., AR leases will have empty values for the `Waiting time' information collected by the best-effort).

To print out all the per-run data, run the following:

haizea-convert-data -t per-run /var/tmp/haizea.dat

To print out a counter, run the following:

haizea-convert-data -t counter -c countername /var/tmp/haizea.dat

Where countername should be substituted for the counter you want to access. If you do not know what counters are included in the file, the following will print out a list of counters:

haizea-convert-data -l /var/tmp/haizea.dat

When running multiple simulations (as described in 5.5), Haizea will generate one data file for each simulation profile, which are all stored in the same directory. haizea-convert-data can also be used to produce aggregate statistics from all these data files. For example:

haizea-convert-data -t per-run /var/tmp/results/*.dat

This will print out one line per simulation run, each with the per-run data for the run along with the simulation profile, tracefile, and injection file used in that run. Similarly, you can run haizea-convert-data with -t per-lease or -t counter to print the per-lease data or a counter from multiple simulation runs, using the simulation profile, tracefile, and injection file columns to disambiguate the run the data originated from.

Borja Sotomayor 2009-12-17